'Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do' - Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee was born November 27th, 1940 in San Francisco, California. I remember seeing 'Fists of Fury' for the first time when I was very young and was instantly mesmerized. I am not alone. I have heard this from many other people and witnessed it with my nephew as well. I begged my parents to let me learn martial arts. Living and growing up on a farm and with no martial arts place even remotely close, that wasn't an option. I did manage though to watch and read everything Bruce Lee. I was 10 years old when Bruce passed away. It wasn't fair. He was bigger then life and had so much more to do, but that is something I realized as I was growing up. His influence, spirit and teachings were very much alive and are as strong today as ever. When I got older and moved to the big city, I did enroll and study martial arts. It has been and will always be a part of my life.
On the weekend of October 23 and 24-2015 in Las Vegas, a very special event took place. The Bruce Lee Foundation celebrated 'Self-Expression' in honour of the 75th birthday of Bruce Lee with guest speakers Tommy Gong, Peter Chin, Diana Lee Inosanto, Stephen Chin and Shannon Lee - Introduction by Linda Lee Cadwell. Daniele Bolelli and Sharon Ann Lee joined Shannon Lee and Diana Lee Inosanto for a panel discussion: Bruce Lee - A Cultural Icon. A full weekend of events including Yoga, Lion Dancers, Shaolin Kungfu and other workshops and classes, movie screenings, music, among many other things to enjoy.
Linda Lee Cadwell and Shannon Lee pose for a photo with attendee
Daniele Shannon Lee, Diana Lee Inosanto, Bolelli and Sharon Ann Lee in panel discussion
'The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.'
― Bruce Lee
I was in my 'heavenly glory' participating and celebrating a very special human being. Bruce's philosophy and the way he lived, was ahead of it's time. The boundaries he broke and the doors he opened are ongoing. He was then and still is an important influence and guide to me and future generations to come.
Walk on!
All photographs by Barbara Brander
Information on The Bruce Lee Foundation: http://bruceleefoundation.org
Events held at Container Park and Inspire Theatre-Las Vegas, Nevada